The Physio Detective Consult Series - Betsy
Learn by seeing principles in action - real people, real problems, real solutions, in minutes not hours!
Hey, it’s Antony Lo The Physio Detective here.
Like you, I’m a health and fitness professional who’s always striving to provide better service and better care. But sometimes, that’s easier said than done.
Let’s be honest: the health and fitness industry isn’t perfect, especially for female athletes.
When you reflect on your experience, you’ve probably noticed this too.
Think about the management models that you’ve been taught throughout your career.
Have they always helped your female clients reach their goals? Or did they often fall short?
Did your training adequately address the symptoms of health conditions like incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, or pain in female athletes?
I’d be willing to bet that they probably didn’t – because I’ve seen it happen time and time again.
This training gap can hold female athletes back from reaching their full potential.
When I realised that, I knew something had to be done.. We had somehow lost our way in helping female athletes achieve their high-level goals.
It was time to do something different.
That’s why I spent years of my career challenging the status quo. I dedicated myself to developing out-of-the-box strategies for female athletes.
So now you can do that too, with the help of The Physio Detective Consult Series.
For the first time ever, you can access real consultations so that you can see what happens from start to finish. These consultations portray real-life clients - real people, real problems, real solutions.
You’ll watch as the client presents their unique challenges and see how I collaborate with them to overcome these struggles.
These consultations are as unique as the clients themselves. No two people are the same, so no two consults are ever the same. And no consult is ever perfect - you’ll be learning from my mistakes as well.
This one-of-a-kind learning model will transform the way you work with your female athletes.
By watching how I work, you’ll see the kind of questions to ask your clients. You’ll see how I go through the assessment process and how I partner with them instead of telling them what to do.
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to apply these principles in your own practice. It’s an awesome way to get a different learning experience, rather than just knowledge - like someone speaking over powerpoint slides. It’s like you’re there with me watching me work with someone just like your clients and being able to reflect and ask questions about the consult.
These consultations are only US$29 each, but you’ll receive far more than that in the clients you’ll be able to help. We’ve broken the consults up into no more than 10 minute segments, so that you can fit it around your busy lifestyle.
But that’s not all. With every consult, there is also a recorded webinar where I answer some of the common questions asked about the consult. You’ll also get access to reflection questions for each consult which have been designed to help you analyse and absorb the material on a deeper level. The consults also include at least one update video on how that consult has impacted that person's life since.
We’ll be going through issues important to you, such as…
- Stress urinary incontinence
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Pregnancy and postpartum return to exercise
- Pelvic pain
- Lifting/CrossFit/HIIT
- Running and impact loading
As an added bonus, I’ll be highlighting these topics on my social media so, if you’re hungry for even more insights, you can find them at @physiodetective and @mypteducation.
Are you ready to reframe what you know about helping female athletes achieve their goals? Are you ready to throw that rulebook out the window? Are you ready to challenge yourself and grow to be the professional that you’ve always wanted to be? Then you’ve come to the right place.
It’s time to reimagine the future for female athletes. And it starts here with The Physio Detective Consult Series.
Your Instructor
Antony Lo
The Physio Detective Sydney, Australia
Australian Physiotherapy Association Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Master in Manual Therapy (UWA)
Antony Lo is a physiotherapist from Australia and runs The Physio Detective service and My PT Education. He earned his degree from the University of Sydney and has been in practice since 1997 (old enough to see old things come back as new things!). He completed his post-graduate Master in Manual Therapy (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) from the University of Western Australia and commenced his Specialisation training in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. He has been working at the junction of Musculoskeletal, Sports Rehab and Performance, and Women’s Health for his whole career. He has experience participating and coaching a range of sports and has been a consultant for a number of different types of elite sports athletes of all ages.
Antony’s passion is working in a way that combines his experience in coaching, education, and being a Physiotherapist, combining the knowledge from the fields of Physiotherapy, Strength and Conditioning, Business, Psychology, and the Arts and Sciences. He has developed a model of treatment that utilises the best from Sports Science, Musculoskeletal/Sports Physiotherapy, Pain Science, and Women’s Health research to provide a practical, realistic holistic model of care balancing the biopsychosocial model of healthcare with the best of historical assessment and management approaches. Antony has a wife and 3 beautiful children in the best city in the world – Sydney, Australia!
Course Curriculum
StartBetsy - Introduction to this Consult's Content
StartBetsy - Part 1 (1:56)
StartBetsy - Part 2 (10:53)
StartBetsy - Part 3 (4:58)
StartBetsy - Part 4 (5:41)
StartBetsy - Part 5 (9:03)
StartBetsy - Part 6 (6:33)
StartBetsy - Part 7 (3:40)
StartBetsy - Part 8 (8:09)
StartBetsy - Full Consult (Optional) (50:11)
StartBetsy - Update Video (5:58)
StartBetsy - Webinar (24:35)
StartBetsy - Conclusion to this Consult
StartIf you enjoyed Betsy's Consult, the Membership is a great way to save money and join in discussions with Antony and others about it (5:01)
StartCourse Certificate and Feedback Form