Free Download: Leaking During Workouts
People often feel ashamed or embarassed by their leaking, particularly if it happens during a workout!
These feelings can hold women back from pursuing the intensity of exercise that we know helps them to stay strong, resilient, and feeling bad-ass through their lifespan.
What can we do to help?
As health and fitness professionals, we can help those who suffer to minimize or stop their leaking.
If you feel like you don't know where to begin or want more ideas on how to help your clients who suffer from leaking during workouts, this FREE DOWNLOAD is for you!
It goes through strategies to approach leaking during working out and answers/explains questions such as:
*Can a strong pelvic floor still leak?
*Why do my clients only leak when working out?
*Should my client use a weight belt while lifting?
*How can I help my client stop or decrease leaking while working out?
*And more!
It’s time we DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT and start the conversation around incontinence so those suffering won't feel ashamed or alone in their fight against leaking!