
Welcome to the “Bulletproof” Your Body - Pelvic Floor and Core - Part 2 Course!

There are 2 parts to this course.

Part 1 is the theory and issues facing women during exercise with respect to Incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain. There are 10 Modules in this Part. You should have completed this free course already.

Part 2 is the practical and how to implement the strategies to help women during exercise. There are 19 Modules in this Part.

***It is a Pre-Requisite to complete the "Bulletproof" Your Pelvic Floor and Core - Part 1 course***

Each module will contain the following

  • Introductory information
  • Learning Objectives for the module
  • Slide numbers from your handouts
  • The video content for the module
  • Review questions
  • Additional study options to further your information in this topic
  • A quiz to progress to the next module/unit.

You are advised to take advantage of the forum that has been set up for you. This will be a great place to get your questions answered as well as interact with other like-minded people from around the world. Feel free to let people know who you are and what you do - you never know...someone might need a health or fitness professional in your neck of the woods!

Below are the slides. Please feel free to download them for your own use.

If you have any questions or troubles, please contact me at [email protected].

Enjoy the course and please let us know what you think!


Antony Lo
The Physio Detective

BYBPFC - Online Course - Part 2 - Keynote Presentation v1.4 - Handouts.pdf
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